Once upon a time, there was a boy named John...and John was an astronaut.
End of an Era
Movie-style trailer for The Peacekeeper Wars. This miniseries was not only a solid conclusion to Farscape, it's simply beautiful and epic science fiction. The final sequence is so intense and visually spectacular that it honestly puts the bigger studios with their generic, uninspired genre films and cartoonish abuse of CGI to shame. (September 29th, 2010)
"Rise of the Hero" by Future World Music
The Wonders I've Seen
A visually driven overview of the series, looking at the diverse universe of Farscape as seen through the eyes of John Crichton, highlighting the more beautiful and breathtaking things that he's witnessed over the course of his incredible journey. Inspired by the season 4 intro voiceover, "Look upward...and share the wonders I've seen." (April 11th, 2010)
"Adiemus" by Karl Jenkins
Young Guns
The crew of Moya are a bunch of badass space cowboys, living on the run and fighting the big bad villains coming at them from all sides. An action overview of the adventurous lives of this group of escaped prisoners in the uncharted territories. (April 11th, 2010)
"Blaze of Glory" by Jon Bon Jovi
What the Frell?
John wants you to meet his family. His totally normal, totally not dysfunctional family. Not dysfunctional at all... A look at the more bizarre side of the show and the wild, screwed up Jerry Springer relationships of the crew. Complete and utter crack. (April 11th, 2010)
"Runs In the Family" by Amanda Palmer
Dark Times
Intense overview, looking at the darker, more disturbing and more epic moments throughout the series. I love that each season got progressively darker and more unsettling as the series went on, so I thought I'd focus on that side of the show here. (April 11th, 2010)
"The Mother of All Battles" by Immediate Music